Real Identity

When Commander Nicklaus Elan heard the question that the King asked the former butler of his family, he squeezed his dress while standing still in his place.

"No, Your Majesty," the former butler replied. "We know nothing about that."

King Edric observed the old man for a while before he gestured the soldiers to take him out of the room. Once his order was done, complete silence fell upon the court room and there's no doubt that all attention was on Nicklaus Elan.

"You read the letter and I'm sure that you understand what is going on here, Commander Nicklaus," the King said to the Commander in a surprisingly calm voice.

"Your Majesty, we are not done -"

"I'm not finished here, Duke Lazzel," Edric Maselli warned in a stern voice, rendering the Duke silent with his head bowed.

Every official knew how unpredictable and dangerous the young King would be once he lost his cool.

As such, it was never a smart idea to provoke him.