Not So Happy

Prince Karium was just back to the palace after seeing his mother off. Though his mother just departed for Aslirith, he hoped to see her soon again as his best friend accepted the marriage.

Karium went straight to his brother's chamber and the Queen was also there.

"You're back. I'm still here because you said you have something to tell me," the King promptly said when he saw his younger brother entering the chamber.

"I'm a bit late. I'm sorry," Karium muttered and sat opposite the couple. "I'm glad that sister-in-law is also here. It's something she should know too."

"You already keep me eager for too long," Edric Maselli sighed. "Just spill it."

Karium slightly smiled when he saw the expression on his brother's face. "Fine then," he stated and continued, "Lena is getting married."

"Lena?" Amazement was written all over the Queen's face. "Suddenly?"