Despicable People

Prince Karium took his right-hand man's advice to heart and decided to go to the Farcis Province for the first time in 12 years.

As the case concerning Thigon was mostly in the hands of Commander Nicklaus, he only offered help when needed and with General Cassius back to the capital, he didn't have to be too concerned about looking after the Royal Army. As such, he believed that it would be a good time to travel.

Even his brother and sister-in-law were taken aback when he expressed his desire to visit his hometown. It's understandable as it's his first time mentioning it in more than a decade! However, they were happy with his decision.

Nevertheless, his brother would never allow him to go without guards.

Though it was supposed to be an unofficial journey, he had to agree to bring three guards with him and they were the best of the Royal Guards. Including Lance, the number rose to four.