I Will Come For Him Soon

For a few seconds, there was no response from Prince Karium. Nevertheless, his gaze never leave the man who seemed to be the leader of the assassins.

His gaze was too formidable and though Renier had no idea of his identity, he started to feel uneasy.

Who was this man?

What business did he have with him?!

"That's what I want to ask you," Karium finally responded. "Who are you people?"

"Why would we tell you -"

The right-hand man of Steven Rafe fell silent when the men before him suddenly aimed their arrows at him and the others with one gesture from, according to him, the man with a formidable aura.

Four of the assassins managed to unsheathe their sword but they were instantly shot down from their horses by the Prince's men!

Seeing this, the other assassins who had their palms on the hilt of their swords didn't dare to move anymore, including Renier who failed to unsheathe his sword.