It Still Feels Like A Dream

When Crown Prince Tristan was informed of Lena's arrival, he was in the royal training ground. As fast as his heart allowed him to, he ran to the chamber where Lena was brought with his guards running behind him.

Tristan Castelof didn't lose any time and rushed inside the chamber without even knocking. There, he finds Lena standing near the window. Hearing the sound of the door being opened, the General turned around to see the man whom she will marry soon. Then her lips curved into a little smile.

"It's been a while, Your Highness."

A while? It felt like years to him!

Nevertheless, he didn't say anything about that and hurriedly walked to her. "Lena. What is this? I was told that you will be here tomorrow."

"Just a little surprise," Lena Parish simply said with a small yet genuine smile on her face. However, when she saw the sweat on the side of his forehead, she grew worried. "Did you run here? It's not good for your heart."