You Better Stick To Your Word

Yara Amiel observed the man standing before her. Though his appearance was the same as Kamryn's, it end there.

What he said just now... he was nothing like Kamryn.

Nevertheless, the desperation she felt for two whole years made her unable to back down.

"I don't believe in what you said," she said to him after what seemed to be forever. "Tell me what happened to you. What did Steven Rafe do that night?"

Once again, Kamryn finds her strange.

Yara Amiel from two years ago will never choose to be persistent in this kind of matter! Her pride would never allow her to act that way!

"Please try to understand, Your Highness," he said with his usual calm voice. "It's been two years and I know that you don't really need me anymore. You have Andrus and many other competent spies while I'm just a dead person to everyone now. I don't belong to Avaria anymore."

She didn't need him?

What did he even know?!