I Can Easily Replace You

As she said beforehand, Empress Marozia was on her way to the dungeon with Landyn following her behind. With each step she took, the Empress was reminded more and more of what happened. She was always great at self-control but this time, it seemed like her anger didn't plan to subdue soon.

The more she tried to stay calm, the more it torment the powerful Empress!

Finally, she walked inside the dungeon where the Creles King was restrained and punished for almost two days now. At her sight, the two men who were carrying out the punishment instantly halted whatever they were doing and get down on their knees.

"Your Majesty."

Empress Marozia observed Steven Rafe who was barely awake with his body and arms chained to a post. "Unchain him and leave us," she commanded the two men who quickly did as they were told.