The Mysterious Man

Renier walked out of the King's chamber and when Duke Kiros entered, Steven Rafe already pushed himself up and sat on the bed.

No matter how weak and powerless he was in front of the Aslirith Empress, he will never want to behave that way in front of his own people.

The Duke of Kiros who was in his 40s halted beside the young King's bed and bowed. "Greetings, Your Majesty."

Steven Rafe nodded to exchange the greeting. "What brings you here, Duke Kiros?"

"I heard that you're not feeling well, Your Majesty. I come to check on you."

If Steven Rafe was to show what he felt, his lips would surely curve into a smirk! However, after living three years as a King who didn't even have power over his own people, he was a master at hiding his feelings. He had many sides in him but most people will never discover that.

"It's not a big deal, Duke Kiros," he said to the Duke, maintaining his usual composure. "I'll recover soon."