An Interesting Family

After meeting with Archduke Fares that day, Lena discussed the dinner with Tristan and right now, they found themselves inside the carriage that pulled over before the gate of Archduke Fares Mansion.

The couple also got approval from the Empress and though the latter was a bit worried, she still gave them permission as clashing with Archduke Fares would bring no good.

"Do you still remember their names and some important points that I told you before?" Tristan Castelof asked Lena while they were about to get off the carriage.

Briefly recalling what she memorized, Lena nodded. "I do. Don't worry."

Seeing how nervous she appeared, Tristan flashed a calm smile and held her hand. "Don't be nervous. I will be with you the whole time and everything will be fine." With a little laughter, he added, "You already met the most formidable one and that's the Archduke. You don't have to worry about others that much. They are not important."