I Know My Son Well

Landyn was taken aback by the calm demeanor of Empress Marozia Castelof. However, he still nodded at her question. "I don't understand, Your Majesty," he said and cautiously glanced at the Empress when he continued, "Why don't you want Avaria and Welahan to have peace?"

Marozia Castelof simply smiled and said, "You forget one thing, Landyn." When the guard slightly raised a brow, the Empress continued, "That the one sitting on the Welahan throne right now is Edric Maselli and not my son."

The guard processed what the Empress said and he slowly understood what she meant. "But you put all your plans on halt, Your Majesty. You did that because of what Prince Karium's asked of you."

"You're right," Marozia Castelof simply said. "But that plan was carried out before I even reunite with my son." Her expression changed a bit when she added, "And now, Karium is determined to track down the one behind that."