A Miracle

Lena found herself weakly sitting inside Ricon's quarters next to the guard's bed. Her eyes couldn't believe how bad the wounds of her personal guard were!

Tristan really commanded this?

Ricon had wounds all over his body! His face was no exception!

How could a punishment be this worse?

In her opinion, this was how spies who get caught were treated!

Ricon was sleeping but it wasn't long before he opened his eyes. When he saw the Crown Princess sitting beside his bed, his eyes grew wide and he tried to push himself up.

"Don't," Lena muttered when she saw him struggling. "You're badly injured." She briefly glanced at Baroness Liza who quickly held Ricon and helped him lie down comfortably.

"Y -Your Highness, why are you here?" Ricon stuttered with confusion written all over his face.

What was the Crown Princess doing here?

"I heard about you a few days ago," Lena Castelof muttered. "I can only come now. How are you feeling?"