Not Great Timing

King Malon Amiel observed his sister for a while and then simply smiled. "What makes you convinced that I punish Andrus?" he asked. "You were stuck here and you know nothing."

"Are you saying that you don't punish him?" Princess Yara asked him back. "Then where is he?"

Her brother didn't reply, much to the frustration of Yara Amiel.

"I can see that you still don't even reflect on your actions, Yara," King Malon pointed out. "Do you want me to punish you and Andrus instead? Of course, I won't stop at that. All the spies who went with you and also General Zaria who didn't escort you back as soon as he found you... they should all be punished."

Once again, the young King observed his sister who seemed to be struggling. He had his reasons for acting this way and saying those things.