It's You

The fight in the Falon Forest continued with the unidentified men fighting against the Lezarian soldiers. General Neal and the three guards resumed the fight too and in no time, the Lezarian soldiers were wiped out. However, the Welahan Prince was still feeling confused.

Who were they? He didn't think there was any group in Lezaria who will help him. So, this still made him raise his guard though he just witnessed how the unknown men helped him. Because of this, Lance and the others were still on high alert too.

"Who are you people?" Prince Karium asked the men who were walking towards him and his small group. There was no response but the men didn't halt either.

With this adding more to their doubt, another fight broke out but... it appeared a little strange.

A while ago, the Lezarian soldiers seemed to have no problem with killing everyone, except him. But... these men seemed to be careful not to cause real damage to every one of them!