I'm Not Sure

Empress Marozia just entered her chamber with rage still evident in her face. Just like she commanded around an hour ago, Landyn was waiting for her there with the man Karium saw at the camp of the Lezarian Army.

The man was Renaud Alofi, a General in the Aslirith Army.

At the sight of the Empress who appeared to be in a bad mood, General Renaud hurriedly got down on his knees. "Your Majesty."

"What happened at the Lezarian Army camp?" Marozia Castelof asked as she settled on one of the couches.

"It wasn't my intention, Your Majesty," the General replied in an anxious voice. "When I suddenly saw the Prince, I was so shocked that I happen to call his name. Please forgive me!"

"I'm asking you what happened!" the Empress snapped. She was clenching her fists so hard that her nails might even dig her palms!