The Shattered Dream

Tristan Castelof was in his chamber with Lena when Dario walked inside and whisper something in his ear. Slightly raising his brows, the Crown Prince turned to Lena who appeared quite confused and curious at the same time.

"I have to deal with something but I'll be back soon," he said to her in a calm voice. "Will you be fine alone?"

Lena sighed at his words. "I'm not a kid," she complained in an obviously displeased voice.

Tristan smiled and rose from his seat. Then he leaned down to plant a kiss on his wife's forehead. "I'll be back soon then," he repeated with the smile never leaving his face. Lena nodded and he walked out of the chamber with Dario.

There was no talk until the two men entered the Crown Prince's walking chamber.

"What do you mean? He's gone?" Tristan Castelof promptly asked once Dario shut the door. Dario noticed how the Crown Prince's face had turned dark and he quickly lowered his gaze.