Changing of the Guard


Aaryn pulled his leathers on in short, sharp tugs, his chest still tight with anger—and something else he couldn't put his finger on, but it was about letting Elreth walk away. Something about that made his skin crawl.

Especially when she left without touching Aaryn again, but as she passed her father, shooting him an uncomfortable look, her father's nostrils flared and something lit in his eyes.

Aaryn was still pulling on his shirt when the door closed behind her and Reth grunted, then walked over to take one of the big chairs in the Great Room. Aaryn eyes him warily, but when Reth sat, Aaryn dropped into the couch, trying not to let himself think about what he'd almost done on that couch a few minutes earlier.

Holy shit. Good thing the shock had settled his body down.

He pulled one foot up to rest on the other ankle and stared at Reth, waiting. He wasn't going to make this easier for the male who'd barged in on them.