Family First


"Reth," Aaryn growled.

"What." The older male bit the word off, every line in his massive body tense.

"I don't want to fight you… but I will if I have to. The disformed are not yours. You lost any right to lead them when you pulled that stunt to get Elreth to challenge you." But then he blinked. Not because his resolve wavered. But because it hit him… all Reth would have to do to win a fight was shift and he, Aaryn, would lose everything.

The same thing must have occurred to Reth, because his eyes flashed the deep gold of his lion. But even as Aaryn's adrenalin spiked, Reth blinked and… to Aaryn's stunned disbelief, he dropped his eyes, giving an understanding of submission that…

Aaryn almost choked. "What are you doing?" he gasped, shocked completely out of his anger.