Not Sorry


Gar snarled and his eyes flashed the deep amber of his lion. Elreth growled in response and half-crouched. She'd been wrestling with Gar since she was a cub—and usually winning. She could take him. And she would. He'd embarrassed her tonight. She didn't buy that he hadn't known or thought about what she and Aaryn would be doing. He was the one who'd told her to go after him. Her brother was just jealous because she'd found her mate first. And she had a purpose. And he was still wasting his fucking life partying and—

"Back off, El. I said I was sorry," he spat.

"You didn't mean it. I'm done with your shit, Gar." She pushed right up into his chest and poked him, nevermind that he had inches on her. "Apologize, and ask me to keep you like the housecat that you have turned yourself into, Gar, or leave."

"El, no!" her mother gasped.