

Shit. Shit shit shit.

What had he started with that jab at Reth about Elia? She was going to kill him when Reth got done with her. Because he realized, he was going to have to tell Elreth, too, now.


Garhye was going to kick him over a cliff next time he showed up.

They never talked about it anymore because it was understood—the Outsiders didn't organize to oppose the throne. They organized in case the throne ever opposed them. Elia and Gahrye had only ever wanted to protect the disformed, give them a community, and a support network in the event that things went wrong after they were gone.

The disformed's strength was in their secrecy—it allowed them to work to help each other, to train, to prepare for anything without the interference of anyone with prejudice.

And without the bureaucratic bullshit of dealing with the King.