Slow Down


Aaryn stared at her, his chest heaving, his hair falling in his eyes, and his yearning was so obvious she almost laughed at the naked hunger in his eyes. Until their eyes met and her own desire reached for her, clawing at her belly.

"Oh, I get it," she said breathlessly.


"No, no, you're right," she said, forcing herself to stand up and began buttoning her shirt. "We should go back to the cave. It will be much more comfortable, and besides who wants dirt up their ass crack when—"

"No, El," he said hoarsely, then cleared his throat. "I think… we need to wait."

"What? Why?" her fingers trembled because of the fire he'd lit in her, and he wanted to wait? She caught him staring at her chest and decided against buttoning the buttons after all, putting her hands on her hips instead.