Talking with Family


"You saw Dad last night," Gar grunted. "He was just waiting for a chance to come down on me."

"That was partly my fault though. I… might have let slip about your mom knowing about the disformed tribe."

"You did WHAT?" Gar sat straight up. "Is that what he was so mad about last night?"

Aaryn nodded. "I didn't mean to. He knew about the tribe—about me as Alpha. I figured he knew because he'd either followed Elia or she'd told him. But it took him completely off guard. He had no idea she and Gahrye worked with us to organize. I haven't seen him that off balance… ever."

Gar whistled long and low. "He's going to have fucking kittens."

"Did you hear anything from them last night?"

"There was yelling at one point, but he's such an asshole when he's all up in his pride, I didn't want to listen to it, so I closed my ears. It didn't last long. But they also didn't make up."

"How do you know?"