Dinner for Two


When they reached the trail where it branched to take them back to the Tree City, or Elreth could follow the righthand path and end up back at the cave, Aaryn stopped. They'd been walking holding hands and he tugged her into his arms again, still greedy to be touching her.

"Are you going to the market, or home?" he asked, his voice still husky from their kisses and his thwarted desire.

"Better question would be, where are you going? I want to be where you are," she said simply.

His chest ached with the joy of that. He combed his fingers into her hair at her temples and sighed. "I need to go get something for Mom. All we have at the house is sandwiches and I want to tempt her with something hot."

"You need to take care of yourself too, though. You said… you said you didn't think you should handle this the way you did last time. What did you mean?"