The Devil of Doubt


"Dad, what's going on with you and Mom? Why are you… what's going on?"

He waved a hand at her, but stared into his mug, rather than meeting her eyes. "You'll see, Elreth. Mates are wonderful, but every so often difficulties arise and the only way out of them is through. This is a tough one, but we'll get through it. There's nothing you need to worry about."

Elreth thought he was talking out of his ass, frankly. But she also knew that her parents wouldn't bring her or Gar into anything like this. The few times she'd seen them fight, or even struggle through things that weren't about conflict between them—the grief over losing Mam'amora and Papa Brant, for example—they'd always done nothing but reassure her and her brother. And her dad was right, they'd always gotten through it.