Toxic Stress


Aaryn found himself just standing on the trail staring at the spot where she'd disappeared. He blinked and forced himself to move. But  his stomach felt sick as he turned, not down the trail that Elreth had used, but towards the Tree City and his home. He had to make sure his mother was back and okay and… he needed help. Maybe he'd go looking for a wise-woman before he spoke with the disformed.

He couldn't shake the heavy feeling that had started with Elreth's censure of the elders, and increased when she'd shot that last question at him before she disappeared.

She didn't really believe that, did she? She was just angry and feeling uncertain… Well, regardless, he would reassure her when they spoke. He just prayed it wasn't a long time until they found each other. There was an ache in his chest at the idea of being apart from her—not in distance, but in heart.