Scars - Part 1


Elreth sat back in her chair and looked around the room at the fifteen or sixteen disformed that had joined him for this—three of them there whether they had leadership roles or not, specifically to tell their stories and try to win their Queen. Because they had decided, almost unanimously, to petition to become their own tribe.

Elreth didn't know that yet, but he knew she was smart enough to guess that it would at least be discussed.

She looked at him for a breath and something passed between them he didn't even understand, but it stole his breath.

Then she turned to the three who had been seated next to him since they'd arrived.

"Very well, I believe I understand enough of how this has come about."

Everyone shifted in their seats and eyed each other. They all knew that this was where history could—should—be made.

"Now, it's time for you to tell me what you do. And why I should not disband your secret group."