Get in Line


The stunned silence that greeted her raised the hair on her neck.

Could they really not see it? Did they really believe she should have no suspicion of them at all?

Her hackles wanted to rise, but she worked hard to keep her voice gentle but firm.

"I do not speak as someone who believes you mean to do harm to the kingdom," she said, first to Aaryn, then letting her eyes scan all of them. "But I can tell you that were I to propose that to the elders, it is the first question that would be raised. Why put those who have positioned themselves for revolution in a position to weaken others?

It was her mother that spoke up. "I believe, Elreth, and perhaps you should speak with Reth about this directly… but I believe your need for agents will be less focused on the current inhabitants of the Tree City, and more outside of its territory."