Do Not Fear


Elreth's head was pounding. Her throat was dry. Her tongue felt like it had swelled and her mouth tasted like a sewer.

Why, oh why, had she decided to drink last night?

She rolled over, groaning, and immediately ran into a warm, steel-hard body that growled. But before she could get her wits unscrambled, long, iron arms wrapped around her and gathered her in to a firm chest.

Aaryn. Aaryn was here in her bed. They had slept together here in the cave, and she hadn't even been able to enjoy it because she'd been drunk and weepy and holy shit she was a stupid female sometimes.

"Good morning," he rasped, his voice deep and husky from sleep.

She was close enough to him to hear it rumble in his chest. It made her shiver.

"It is morning, anyway," she croaked.