A Queen's Heart


Elreth wanted to bite something. Or someone. She couldn't believe Tobe was the one to bring a petition. Tobe! Her father had trusted him second only to Uncle Behryn! What the hell was the male thinking?

But deep down, she was pretty sure she knew. She saw the tension in him. He'd been pressed to this. The question was, why had he allowed the people's questions to go this far? What had occurred in the Equines to put him in a position where he couldn't answer these questions to his Tribe, or persuade them to wait to find the answers?

Who was planting this dissension?

She stared at Lhern, standing on the balls of her feet, waiting for him to ask her to answer the question. She knew she'd overstepped earlier and she couldn't afford to do that again. But it was just so frustrating!

Finally, Lhern looked at her. "What do you say to this question?"