Broken Wolf


It was rare that the wolves howled anymore. Elreth's parents told her that in the past, when the Tribe was in its fullness, howling was a part of all their traditions—an expression of emotion, both good and bad. When the wolves had howled suddenly a couple years earlier, she'd been with Aaryn. He'd told her that ever since the war, they'd been careful not to show their unity too much, because the other tribes feared there were still traitors among the pack. But whenever they lost one of their number, when they grieved, they howled.

She was in the market, a little tense because Aaryn hadn't shown up, but assuming he was with his mother, when the first howl began in the distance, raising the hair on the back of her neck.

She'd only heard him howl once before in his life, and it was in answer to someone else's grief, but it was as if the sound called to her heart, tugging at her.