Love You, Dad - Part 2


An hour later, Aaryn wished he hadn't pushed Elreth away. He did need to be alone, he knew that. Or at least, not distracted. But sitting there in the cold, in the dark… it was hard to get perspective on the whole situation.

He felt terrified and angry and hopeless.

At least the tears had stopped.

When he heard the first footstep, his heart leapt, assuming it was Elreth. But the steps were far too heavy for her lithe frame.

Aaryn supposed it should have been a surprise when Reth pushed the leaves aside and stepped under the cover of the Weeping Tree, but it really wasn't.

It was exactly what he needed, he realized.

"I guess Elreth told you," he muttered as Reth crossed the dirt, then let himself sink to the ground next to Aaryn, leaning his back on the trunk of the tree as well.