The Fire Inside


When Dargyn stepped in front of her, she'd almost laughed. Had he really thought he had any kind of hold on her heart?

It was petty, but she listened to his whispered promises of passion and heat for just a few seconds… to string him deeper. She almost shook her head. This was the best they could do? This was the temptation they placed before her?

She hissed when Dargyn put a hand to her waist, and removed it for him quickly. When he wouldn't let her past, when he remained persistent, she ankle hooked him and put him on his ass—several of the nearby males laughing out loud as he tumbled to the dirt. Including Dargyn himself. It had been harder to pull off with the skirt of her dress in the way, but the shorter hem saved her.

"Well played, El, well played!" Dargyn chuckled as she lifted her skirts and stepped over him.