

He called for her, and she was coming, the bond between them sparkling and crackling with need, lighting in his veins and swirling through his bloodstream, tugging him towards her.

But then one female caught his wrist, yanking him to a halt and snapping him away from his mate. Before he could break her grip, she began to whisper. And this time it was not the call of temptation, or seduction.

She whispered his deepest fears. And those near her picked up the chorus.



"Weak. You can't even shift, how would you protect one such as her?"

Aaryn shuddered to a halt, his heart pounding.

"You will bring down the most important leader our people have ever had—just by existing!"

"The people do not want you, do not deserve you!"

"The Queen needs a real anima, not a half-male like you!"