Warming Up


Elreth was ecstatic to finally have Aaryn alone. So happy and excited that she urged him to run so they could get to the cave sooner. But the truth was, as they ran down the trail and she was forced to raise her skirts so she could keep up, she had wanted to let go of his hand because she was also trembling. And not from tiredness or the smoke—her head began to clear the moment they left the circle, and Aaryn's as well as far as she could tell. But that just meant more room in her head for the screams about how she was about to mate for the first time and she didn't have a clue what she was doing. 

The last time she hadn't been scared at all because she hadn't known it was coming. Not really. Things had just progressed naturally and felt like they were meant to be. But now? Now she knew it was coming. Now she knew she might do something he didn't like. Or he might do something she didn't enjoy.