

Elreth was… awed. 

Images flashed through her mind, things she'd seen and felt—Aaryn rearing over her, his head thrown back. The tingling, irresistible sensation of his body within hers. The aching hunger within her that he'd sated—and the rush of love, and desire that hadn't abated, even now. 

She finally understood why her parents called it making love. 

Gar was going to mock her so hard…

She shook off the thought, returning her mind to her gorgeous sexy mate, whose body covered hers as he tried to catch his breath.

Her entire skin quivered in the wake of that overwhelming experience. Her heart pounded until it throbbed in her skin, in her ears. Her hands trembled when she reached for his back and began to stroke it. She felt shy, and yet never less self-conscious. She was… she was whole for the first time.