Beautiful You


The kiss deepened and made promises, and Elreth assumed they would mate again there in the furs. Her entire belly tingled with anticipation as Aaryn stroked his hands up and down her back and sides.

But then he pulled back, smiling. "Why don't we go have a soak in the bathing pools?" he said, his voice honeyed gravel.

She was about to protest—she didn't want to stop! Then she saw the gleam in his eye and she smiled. "I'd love to."

He kissed her again briefly, then scrambled off the bed, beckoning her to come with him. She was only a little slower getting out of the bed, bracing for the moment she'd be naked and bare to the air and… 

She took a deep breath and stood there, facing him, forcing her hands to stay at her sides and not cover herself.

From the other side of the bed, he scanned her from her toes to her face, then shook his head. "Look at this beautiful you," he whispered.