My World


He'd spent half of this day and night trembling, but now he shook with something new. Emotions, so raw and overwhelming they threatened to split his skin.

He put a hand to her chin and held her still as he tilted his head to kiss her softly, barely brushing his lips against hers, but mouth open and tongue teasing. Once, again, again. He tasted her so softly it made him shiver. His lips began to tingle, his skin wanting more of her, stretching to find her. But still he held back.

Nothing moved but their heads, their mouths, their breaths fluttering against each other's cheeks.

He kissed his love to her, tasted it, treasured it—treasured her. For a long, silent moment, there was nothing in his world but her lips.

Then her hands appeared on his chest, pressing, sliding, reaching to pull him closer. One hand cupping her head, the other at her waist, he sighed into her mouth and took it.