Tender Love - Part 2


His entire body was aflame with a fizzing, sparkling love for her. His initial fear, the thoughts of losing her had driven him to pull her close. But as he did, as he stroked and kissed and tasted her skin, the fear morphed, become a shining, crystalline light that drew him, guided him, like the north star. 

He could not express the feelings welling in his chest with words. They defied articulation. He could only show her—fluttering touches to her cheek that was rosy and warm. Breathless kisses to her throat that she'd offered so willingly it humbled him. Groaning calls that spoke to the surge in his soul when she was close. The warmth of skin-on-skin, the featherlight stroke of fingers, hands, mouths…

He wallowed in her. He worshiped her. He prayed she could feel it.