Advise Me This - Part 1


They both sprawled on the warm surface of the flat rock, Aaryn on his back, Elreth's head resting on his shoulder, one leg cocked up. She could feel herself soaking in the sun. It was early enough in the season that the afternoon sun was still warm—but just not quite warm enough. She snuggled into his side and winced, turning her mind from what had happened back at the portal. They only had a few more hours like this. She could confront that tomorrow, or the next day. After they were back at home and settling into their responsibilities.

She groaned. Aaryn's arm closed tighter around her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go back tomorrow," she sighed.

"Me either." He paused a moment. "I wish it could always be like this. But I also don't. I'm excited, El, for what we get to do. I'm excited to help the disformed. I'm excited to see the change in the tribes. The whole thing."