Advise Me This - Part 3


Elreth stepped off the rock, her strides short and stiff, and came to stand in front of him again and Aaryn stopped pacing, clenching his hands to fists at his side. Elreth's nostrils flared as she stared up at him.

"I'm your True Mate," she said in a hushed, shaking voice. "I am not perfect, but I love you. And I want to succeed with you, not against you."

"El—" he sighed.

But she shook her head and kept going. "You get to make the choice, Aaryn. I won't force you to give up the Alpha. I won't force you to become my Advisor. But I want you to ask yourself who's YOUR biggest support? Who's the most invested in seeing you succeed? Who will stand next to you no matter what? Because one thing is for sure—if they'll reject you because you make one choice they don't like, it's not them."

Aaryn huffed. "That's not fair, Elreth."