Just a Chat


It was a work of sheer will not to tear out Marryk's throat, though he took Elreth's point about the human. She was clearly terrified and saw Marryk as the only safe thing in Anima. She'd been trembling since the moment they saw her, and still hadn't stopped, despite how kind and gentle Elreth was being towards her.

He and Elreth stood on the opposite side of the now-cold fire, while Marryk and Hannah sat on the log across from them.

Aaryn wouldn't take his eyes off the male, grinding his teeth and almost shuddering with the urge to get his hands on Marryk's throat.

It was the first vow. The first one!

Disformed who were selected for training had to vow on their lives that they would not bring humans into Anima.

There was no disclaimer to that rule. There had been no shift—no command that softened it. Marryk was a vow breaker, and had put the entire Anima at risk because a pretty female wagged her tail at him.