Should Have Stopped This


Every hair on his arms and neck stood up at the sheer balls Gar had. Was he trying to say this was Elreth's fault… for finding out?

But before he could confront him, Elreth stepped forward and his heart swelled at the dignity and strength she showed, stepping up to her brother without anger, but with sheer confidence and certainty.

"If you ever again imply that my discovering something that puts the entirety of Anima at risk is… an inconvenience, I will have you strung up by your balls until they drop off," she said quietly.

Gar rolled his eyes, but she wasn't finished. "How many humans are in Anima now?"

"Counting Hannah? We now have eight, I think. A couple I can't be sure. I didn't actually see them when they were here. I just know that was the plan."

Elreth's mouth dropped open. "And where are they?"

"They all headed north, looking to see if they could get beyond the desert."