In This Together


She could feel Aaryn's tension as he stepped up behind her on the trail, but she didn't have the mental space to address her. Her head was spinning.

Not only was her brother a part of this, apparently her mother was, as well?

Was this what her father had gotten so angry about? Was this what she'd been hiding from him?

"Is this what Dad was angry at Mom about?" she asked Aaryn quietly as they got off the mountainside trail and into the trees below.

"I don't know all the details, but I'm guessing this is part of it," he said quietly.

Elreth shook her head.

They both turned north. They had left their bags on the Southwest side of the City, in the forest. They'd need to approach from that side to appear they were coming back from their trip.

Elreth ground her teeth. Deception. Everything was deception.

Why did everyone lie?