Security Council - Part 2


There is a human in Anima.

Aaryn's breath stopped in his chest at the words.

But there was no way this had been Hannah. This anima was half-rotted already and she'd only just arrived.

What the fuck was going on?

"You said," Elreth said carefully, "you believe this animal was killed three or four days ago? Around the time of our ceremony?"

Tarkyn and the guard nodded. Elreth turned to look at him, then turned back to the males around the table. "When was it found, and by whom? We're certain this bullet is the cause of its death?"

"There's a strange smell on the carcass and this was buried in the tree behind where it lay," the guard said earnestly, pointing at the bullet, as if he thought he had to convince Elreth.

"I don't understand how that lump could kill this, it's so small?"