Scrutiny - Part 1


Aaryn felt the fur on the back of his neck stand tall when all eyes fell on him—and not with simple curiosity. Tarkyn's gaze in particular, held a great deal of wary accusation.

He forced himself not to swallow, but to speak directly to Elreth. "I've told you that the disformed have many skills that haven't been… exploited before. Well, I have the right Anima for this role. Four of them—all extremely skilled trackers and sp—" he caught himself and corrected. "Skilled scouts, and all have at least some experience with humans. They'll know what to scent for, and what limitations they can expect, as well as how to communicate with anyone they find."

"The humans are weak," Tarkyn growled. "An adolescent could manage one without struggle. That doesn't mean this is the time to send untried Anima into potential battle."