

It was so different, the way he'd felt that night—thrilling. Slightly intimidating, but in a way that wasn't scary. More impressive. As if he'd dominated her with sheer desire. She didn't feel lessened by it. She felt… empowered.

Eventually they'd unwound themselves to lay on the broad couch together, her head on his chest, his arm around her back, stroking the skin up and down her spine.

Elreth sighed happily. There were so many things she should be doing just then, but she didn't care. This was… this was what she'd dreamed for her first nights of being mated. This was what she'd always hoped for. She was going to enjoy it.

It wasn't like she was going to sleep that night anyway.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," Aaryn muttered some time later.

"It wasn't scary it was just… interesting. I liked it," Elreth said, tracing a finger around his pec and up and down his ribs. "I haven't seen you like that before."