

"Scent levels were low?" Tarkyn asked Tobe. "Are you certain it wasn't multiple humans for a short period, some time ago? It seems like if she'd been in one camp for a while her scent should have been solid."

"I'm aware," Tobe said and Aaryn blinked at the aggravation in the male's tone. Tobe had always been strong, but even when he was younger he'd been very steady. In his older years he was implacable. Even when he'd brought the petition against Aaryn—which Aaryn was still convinced he'd only done as the Alpha of his herd, not because he wanted to—he'd remained calm. Never flustered or angry, unlike the males that came with him.

So what had happened to put him so off balance? Or was this all about anger towards Hholdyn? Aaryn wanted to groan.

Tarkyn, apparently taken aback by Tobe's tone, stared at the male a moment, then gestured for him to continue speaking.