A New Perspective


As Tarkyn stood, Aaryn held his gaze and pointed at Elreth, who was fuming, but knew she needed to let the males work this out between themselves.

She would have plenty to say when they were done.

"She is dominant. I submit! I do not ignore the hierarchy! And I do not teach others to do so!"

Tarkyn shook his head, but didn't speak. When both of them were quiet, Elreth spoke. To Tarkyn.

"Explain yourself. Your concerns. What are you raising, Tarkyn?"

Tarkyn glanced at her, breaking the eye-contact with Aaryn, but his shoulders didn't roll. "I'll let Tobe explain," he said. "We have learned… new dynamics through this day."

Elreth turned to Tobe, who swallowed, then looked an apology at the two disformed females before he spoke.