New Life


It was late, very late when they were finished. And they would be returning early to plan their approach for speaking with the disformed. When Aaryn would submit himself to the hierarchy, and discipline the others for not doing so… and announce his intention to relinquish control.

As he and Elreth moved towards the door, she was still speaking with Lhern. Aaryn found Tarkyn looking back and forth between them. He met the males eyes and waited for any other glance at Elreth, any suggestion the male hadn't listened when they'd fought.

But instead, Tarkyn tipped his chin and gave that small smile again.

Aaryn was uneasy, but nodded back, then ushered Elreth outside.

The moment he stepped out of the security building, his eyes went to the stars flickering across the sky and wondered if his mother was seeing them too.