Come Home to Me


Aaryn crept into the cave and back into the bedroom to find Elreth still awake. She'd turned off the lanterns but the darkness was easy for him after being outside.

He was shaky and uncertain and exhilarated, and he didn't quite know how to start. "You awake?" he whispered, knowing the answer.

"You okay?" she asked immediately, rolling over. She smelled warm and soft in the furs and for a moment he didn't want to ruin the mood, but leap in beside her, and just love her.

"Mom's gone," he blurted.

"What?!" Elreth sat up quickly, the sheets falling away from her naked body and making Aaryn's stomach clench.

"I went to the house and it was dark and empty and I looked around…" he was pacing again, clawing a hand through his hair. "She's not there, and Eadhye's not either, and that's three times now, Elreth. This isn't just a coincidence. There's something going on, I'm sure of it."