The Weight of Dread - Part 3


Tarkyn didn't respond immediately and they both walked forward, the sunlight through the leaves overhead dappling the twigs and dirt crunching under their feet. "I didn't challenge you because I thought I could win her, Aaryn," he said finally, turning to look at Aaryn's profile.

Aaryn met his gaze stonily. "Oh?"


"Then why? Until we mated, I would have described you as one of the most respectful and thoughtful males in WildWood. But I haven't missed it, Tarkyn, the way you look at her. And that touch yesterday? Don't give me this bullshit about family friends. You and I both  know—"

"I was saving face in front of the others, it's true. I apologize," he said tightly. "But I assure you, Aaryn, I did that—all of those things—for her and for you."

Aaryn stopped walking and turned to face the male. "How the hell do you tell yourself that touching my mate is good for us?"